Horsforth Repair Cafe
Do you have an item that needs a fix rather than throwing away?
Horsforth café aims to fix items that may be broken and can range from clothing, jewellery, electronic equipment, garden equipment, children’s toys, tv remotes, fans, electrical etc – basically anything we will try and have a go at repairing. (Bikes are not included at the moment due to weather and facilities to repair them). If you have a faulty item we will try and fix them and if you have the parts then we will fit them for free!
If you are bringing kitchen items such as toasters, coffee machines etc or garden equipment or anything that may be dirty can we please ask that you clean it prior to coming, empty grass, crumbs, coffee etc and if it has a water tank the water in the tank…….
The repair cafe is completely free and staffed by volunteers. We hope to see you there!