Let’s help Horsforth save the world! Children share their eco-friendly vision for Horsforth

Collage of work of all the ideas shared by the children

Last year, local mum, resident and Horsforth Climate Action member, Caroline Tomes, came to visit Horsforth’s West End Primary School. Following an introduction by Miss Lowe, Caroline read some poems and invited the whole school to think about what an eco-friendly future Horsforth might look like. During break time, everyone shared their ideas – writing, drawing, constructing models, talking – it was fabulous to hear so many different suggestions.

Caroline and her 7 year old, Felix, worked together to transform all the pictures and words into a 12-page collage-style ‘zine. The ‘zine captures the hopes, ideas and dreams of West End Primary School, for a future which is eco-friendly. Felix came up with the brilliant title: “Lets help Horsforth save the world!

You can view the zine online here.

In April 2024, Caroline came back to the school, armed with 240 copies of the ‘zine for every school child. The school’s Climate Crew shared copies of the ‘zine with their classmates to take home. Horsforth Climate Action provided funding for printing; a local printing company was commissioned, using eco-friendly ink and recycled paper. Caroline thanked the community for sharing all their ideas, and reminded them how important it was for children’s voices and views to be listened to as we address climate change. 

West End Primary School, being led by their Climate Crew classmates, are helping the school community think about their Environmental Responsibility – we can’t wait to hear what great things they do!

Pages from the Zine

Why Focus on Children?

Imagining the future in a positive way is an act of courage, resistance and rebellion – and children do this naturally. “Children, before they are squashed by cynicism, are natural visionaries. They can tell you clearly and firmly what the world should be like” (Donella Meadows, from p119 of Rob Hopkins’ book “From What Is To What If”)

Children care deeply about the Climate Crisis and the world around them. The Children’s Commissioner for England shared that more than 1 in 5 children (22%) chose ‘a healthy environment and planet’ as one of their top priorities for having a good life when they grow up. Similarly, 1 in 5 children said that being treated fairly was another key priority. 

The Climate Crisis is also a Children’s Right’s issue; every child on earth is exposed to at least one climate and environmental hazard, such as heat waves, cyclones, droughts or floods. Evidence also projects that the impacts of climate change will be disproportionately felt more by the generation of current children, compared to those of us who are grown-ups already.

Get Involved

We’re always looking for volunteers to help with events and activities. Whether you want to help set up, guide activities or contribute ideas, your involvement is invaluable.

Have a look at our Get Involved webpage or contact us at volunteer@horsforthclimateaction.org to join in 

Learn More

Are you a school interested in starting your own Climate Crew? Check out Let’s Go Zero and Leeds Development Education Centre for ideas and support. 

Have a look at our Blog Post where you can find out more about a recent Climate Education Scheme in Horsforth Primary Schools, run by Leeds Development Centre and funded by HCA.

If you’re keen to have a look at a copy of the ‘Zine, there is a currently a copy on display in Horsforth Library.



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