Insect Walk

Group of people attending the insect walk

12 local people enjoyed an interesting and informative Insect Walk on 21st July, organised by the Nature group of Horsforth Climate Action as part of the Horsforth Bioblitz and led by professional ecologist Cathy Burton.

We explored a variety of habitats in the Cragg Hill area including oak woodland and a wildflower meadow. Cathy provided equipment such as nets, spotter sheets and field guides. She explained how a wide range of plants are beneficial to insects and encouraged us to grow these in our gardens.

We saw lots of different species including drone flies, carder bees, nursery web spiders, soldier beetles, springtails, common blue damselfly and butterflies such as meadow brown and large skipper.

We received postive feedback from the people and families that took part, one person described it as “An insightful and interesting event where we were made to feel very welcome. We would definitely look out for future events.”

All of the insect species and photos will be uploaded via the iNaturalist website onto the ‘Horsforth Bioblitz’ project.

We are grateful to Cathy for giving her time for free.

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