Horsforth Repair Cafe – Carbon Capture Success!

Horsforth Repair Cafe runs the first Saturday of the month from 1:00-4:00pm at St Margaret’s Parish Centre in Horsforth.

Since the cafe started the volunteers at the cafe have repaired a huge variety of items, from electrical equipment such as hoovers, hair straighteners and Lawn mowers, to clothing, ceramics, clocks and tools.

The volunteers recently used the Farnham Repair Café’s Repair Café Carbon Calculator to calculate how much Carbon had been saved by the repairs carried out at the cafe over the last 7 months.

The results were pretty impressive!

Over the last 7 months the repairs at the cafe have saved the equivalent of ONE of the following activities

  • Driving 21,497 miles
  • Showering 3,235 times
  • Flying 31,563 miles.
In technical terms theses are savings:
  • Emission saving (kg CO2e): -5,176.4
  • Replacement product savings (kg CO2e): -7,340.7
  • Repair related emissions (kg CO2e): -1,327.5
  • Landfill & recyclables saving (kg estimated): -660.3
  • Number of successful repairs (units): 225.0
The above results are based on repairs of the following categories of items:
  • Bicycles – number of successful repairs: 0
  • Tablets/Phones/Computers – number of successful repairs: 4
  • Electricals – number of successful repairs: 100
  • Mechanical – number of successful repairs: 43
  • Clothing/Textiles – number of successful repairs: 39
  • Furniture – number of successful repairs: 3
  • Jewellery – number of successful repairs: 10
  • Other (unspecified or not sure) – number of successful repairs: 26
So if you have an item that needs a fix rather than throwing away, come along to our next Repair Cafe they run on the first Saturday of every month from 1:00-4:00pm at St Margaret’s Parish Centre.
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