Horsforth Climate Action at Horsforth Walk of Art 2024

When and where

Horsforth Walk of Art takes place every year on the first weekend of July. 

We are delighted to once again have the use of the Grove Methodist Church, with entrances on Town Street and New Street. 



The Horsforth Walk of Art https://www.horsforth-woa.org/  is a free, community led, diverse and inclusive, creative festival that engages the entire community. It is a local annual highlight that we LOVE being part of it. We always take the theme of the year and give it our own special spin. In 2023 we turned ‘Our Horsforth’ into ‘Our Green Horsforth’ and attracted around 700 people. We have arts activities for children and adults, exhibitions of photographs and art on our theme produced by local people and community groups, stalls from affiliated members, a treasure hunt and information about HCA and information linked to the theme.


What we want people to do

Come along, see what’s happening and get involved. Contribute beforehand by looking our for our call outs for art work. You will find us on the WOA map, and promoted via our social media and in the Newsletter and posters around Horsforth. 


Call for volunteers

We always love people to help with the Walk of Art on the day or beforehand. There is so much to do. Tasks can include help with planning and organisation, meet and greet, helping with art activities and general event support. 

We would also love to hear from you if you or your community group would like to take part or contribute to our pre-engagement art activities and have your work exhibited on the day. 


How to get involved

Follow our social media and sign up to our Newsletter. Look out for us on the WOA map and include us a destination

To volunteer beforehand and on the day,  please contact volunteer@horsforthclimateaction.org

To take part in an pre-engagement activity or have a stall, please contact info@horsforthclimateaction.org

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